Sprint 1
The first sprint was held from 29th October to 12th November.
User Stories
The user stories related to this sprint are the following ones:
- US1. It is necessary to obtain the temperature and humidity at the top of the WTG.
- US2. It is necessary to determine the WTG tower movement.
Tasks and Assigments
The tasks and assignments for this sprint, which are related to the user stories previously mentioned, are the following:
- Setting environment of work. Oriol, Quim & Sergi
- Installing Arduino IDE
- Installing libraries
- Analysis. Oriol, Quim & Sergi
- Board with Fritzing. Oriol
- Dataproducer 1.
- Dataproducer 2.
- Test connection of components with arduino
- DHT11. Sergi, Oriol
- LCD Screen. Sergi
- LCD Display. Sergi, Quim
- Code and development
- Dataproducer 1. Sergi, Quim
- Dataproducer 2. Sergi, Oriol
The total amount of points for this sprint was 28. The management of the tasks and issues mentioned is held here.
Regarding the dataproducer one, it was made the first approach of getting the temperature, humidity and heat index using Arduino Uno. When it was finally working, it was changed to ESP01.
Regarding the dataproducer two, it was made the first approach of getting the temperature, humidity and heat index using Arduino Uno. When it was finally working, it was changed to ESP01.
Troubles found
- Understanding arduino environment for the first time
- Sparkfun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack library did not work correctly
- Solution: Doing it with Serial manually
- Understanding I2C bus
- It was missed more management of the issues (having more realistic backlog of the project) and putting the weights to the issues.
The slides for the Sprint 1 can be found here